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"Idejas kā sunītim" by Marija Luīze Meļķe

Tallinas iela 10


Sometimes a person gets so lost in the knots of his ideals, values, ​​and beliefs, that it becomes difficult to answer the important questions - it is not clear what is the right and true answer at the same time when so many circumstances and concepts have to be taken into account. Such confusion can almost paralyze a person's feelings and thinking, they want to alienate themselves, not to touch any serious questions. But there are ways to regain mobility without running away altogether. In the work "Idejas kā sunītim" light absurdity and a change of perspective are used to recover the softness, resulting from the situation created by the artist in the exhibition space. It is meant to be taken as seriously as one needs to; sometimes you just want to experience something out of the ordinary, and that's enough.

Marija Luīse Meļķe is a poet and an author, she has worked in contemporary theater and cinema as an actress and screenwriter. In 2020, together with the team of authors, she received the "Gamer's Night" award in the category "Achievement of the year in original dramaturgy" for the script for Krista Burāne's play "The Wicked" in the Dirty Deal Teatro. In 2022, her debut poetry collection titled "Club of Unrealized Potentials" was published. Meļķe is also one of the creators of the current season of the art event series "Savvaļa", works mainly in the editorial office of the literary magazine "Žoklis" and draws cartoons for the internet magazine "Satori".

The series of exhibitions "Saugšana/Saudzeņot" was created with the intention of highlighting the importance of mutual relations in the process of art creation and uniting visual art with other forms of culture - poetry, music, philosophy. Within the project, representatives of various art disciplines develop new works of art, as well as create events, inviting the audience to participate in talks, concerts, workshops, performances, readings, and ritual ceremonies. The series of exhibitions will be carried out without interruption, in which one artist will gradually replace the next.

Opening hours on 28.07 (RLT) 18-20

Tallinas iela 10

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