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"CAN'T DELETE!" Anaïs Goupy

LOW + She BAM! prezentē: Anaïs Goupy - CAN'T DELETE! | 22.09 - 05.11.2022.

Anaïs Goupy (*1987) izmanto motīvus, kas materializē mūsu digitālās valodas aspektus. Mūsu privāto dzīvju digitalizācija drupdama krustojas viscaur viņas darbiem, it kā postinterneta ieskauta. Lielizmēra gleznas sakausē un iepludina digitālos pikseļus figuratīvās glezniecības tradīcijās, tieši atsaucoties uz analogo / digitālo plaisu un sievietes ķermeņa reprezentāciju gan mākslas vēstures, gan mūsdienu interneta kontekstā. Personālizstāde "CAN'T DELETE!" ir kritiska reakcija ar ironisku nokrāsu, atsaucoties uz mēmu "Felt cute, might delete later". Šis galeriju apmaiņas projekts starp LOW un She BAM! Leipciga – sieviešu vadīta galerija, kas pārstāv tikai sieviešu mākslinieces. Šī apmaiņa notiek pateicoties ar VKKF un Gētes institūta Rīgā dāsno atbalstu.


Anaïs Goupy (*1987) employs motifs that materialise aspects of our digital language, the digitisation of our private lives crossing and crumbling throughout her work as if caught in a post-internet embrace. Large scale paintings melt and fuse digital pixels into the figurative painting tradition, in a direct reference to the analogue/digital divide, and the representation of the female body in both an art historical and contemporary online context. The solo exhibition CAN'T DELETE! is a critical reaction, tinged with irony, to the meme "Felt Cute, might delete later".

This project is a gallery exchange between LOW and She Bam! Leipzig - A female-led gallery representing only female artists.

This exchange has been made possible by the generous support of VKKF and Goethe Institute Rīga.


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