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Tērbatas iela 57
LV: Rasmus Marks “Starptelpas” [Izstādes atklāšana] [Tikšanās ar mākslinieku] [Performance] [Tūre ar kuratoru pēc pieprasījuma]
“Starptelpas” ir limināla starppozīcija starp pagātni un nākotni, skaidro un neskaidro, saprotamo un nesaprotamo. Tas nav viens konkrēti nosacīts, bet gan visaptverošs jēdziens, kas norāda tikai virzienu, nevis nostādītu galamērķi, uz kuru tiecos šajā sajūtu izpētē.
Es gribu, lai skatītājs jūt savaldāmu apjukumu. Tādu, kas varētu rezonēt ar kaut ko piedzīvotu. Tādu, kas raisītu deja vu iekš gleznas pārdzīvojuma. Tādu, kas liktu skatītājam pārjautāt savu saprātu par to, kas ir patiess, kas ir īsts.
ENG: Rasmus Marks “Intermediate spaces” [Exhibition Opening] [Meet the Artist] [Performance] [Curator’s Tour on demand]
“Intermediate spaces” is a liminal in-between position between the past and the future, the clear and the unclear, the understandable and the incomprehensible.
I am fascinated by the strong sense of disorientation in dreams, which alternates with self-confidence that this is the real reality. In this series, I explore the interspace position of the border situation, which intertwines the clear and the unclear, the determined and the undetermined, the past and the future. That millisecond before the eyelids fully open, where the border between consciousness and reason, unconsciousness and consciousness lies. I capture the slight irritation of confusion, which, silenced by impotent weakness, nevertheless creates a feeling of comfort. The works tackle the question, how easy is it to get lost in this alternate dream reality, and find yourself in non-linear space and time, to get lost in the unclear, and find yourself again in the understandable.